Super easy: Homemade Beauty Masks
To make your own beauty mask you don't need to do any shopping because you sure have all the necessary ingredients in your kitchen cupboards.

Forget spending money and time at your local spa. The secret to radiating skin is as close as your kitchen. No additives, no preservatives, only natural ingredients that you can shop at the Farmer’s market and in the organic store.
In order to prepare the skin for the face mask treatment, a face scrub will do wonders. It helps acne prevention, makes pores smaller and helps the moisturisers to absorb into the skin. Fort the best basic facial scrub recipe all you got to do is mix some brown sugar with honey. You may use this tasty scrub for your legs too, just make sure you are not applying too much pressure when you massage it into your face.
1 Avocado
1 teaspoon Olive Oil
1 teaspoon Honey
1 teaspoon Yoghurt
1 Egg White
1 tablespoon Lemon Juice
3 tablespoons Wheat Germ Flour
1 tablespoon Yoghurt
1/2 ripe Banana
1 tablespoon Honey
1 tablespoon Oatmeal Flour
DIRECTIONS: Making oatmeal flour is super easy. Just toss the oats in the blender and pulse. In a small bowl, mash up all the ingredients with the back of a fork until it reaches a gloopy consistence. For best results, I suggest you apply a thin layer of the mixture to your previously washed face, lay down on your couch and let it sit for 15-20 minutes. Then rinse it off with warm water or clean finger tips when removing the treatments. Do this twice a week and you’ll have softer, glooming skin.