Grandma's Chocolate Pudding Recipe
My grandmother used to spoil us with yummy food. She had these great recipes that I would write down and try to do by myself back home because my mom was a very talented cook but she wasn't much into desserts. This is my grandma's chocolate pudding recipe but of course as the healthy version.

I wasn't sure if I should call it pudding or cream. It has this awesome consistency, it is kind of thick without being jelly like though. So maybe I should call it chocolate cream, whatever - it tastes so good and it is super easy to prepare. It is a great idea for a light dessert after dinner or if your children spontaneously invited some friends over for a playdate. You can also do the vanilla or caramel version of course. For vanilla, just exchange the chocolate with vanilla essence and for caramel, melt brown sugar with a little coconut oil.
These are the ingredients you will need for 4 portions:
- 2 cups milk
- 3 medjool dates
- 3 tbsp dark cocoa powder
- 1 egg
- 1 tbsp wholewheat flour
Mix all the ingredients in the blender, then pour the cream into a pan and slowly boil up on slow heat while constantly stirring.
Decorate with fresh fruit and chocolate:
- 3 tbsp raspberries
- 2 tbsp bitter chocolate
I used frozen raspberries because often they taste even better than the supposedly fresh ones that have been lying around in the shelves for several weeks. For the chocolate I prefer really dark one but of course you can use the one you like best.