My Workout Program NO:2
You keep asking me about my program when I go to the gym. So here is a sample workout I did the other day.
My workout is all built around the kickbox lessons which mean so much to me. I have them Wednesdays and Fridays which means that I shouldn’t work out arms or shoulders the day before. So I usually train legs on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Mondays I work out triceps, back and ABS. Thursday chest, shoulders and biceps. Saturdays I have a full body workout and Sundays I rest.
In my training video you will see a full body workout. I don’t suggest anyone copies that – it is designed by me for myself and for no one else.
CHEST: 2×15 Decline Push-Ups, Push-Ups with Ball
TRICEPS: 3×10 Dips
BICEPS: 2x12x8kg Dumbbell Hammer Curl, 2x Rope, 2×12 Biceps at Synergy
SHOULDERS: 2x12x8kg Shoulder Press
LEGS: 2x20x20kg Medicine Ball Over Shoulder Throw, 2×10 Boxjump Burpees alternating with 2x10x45kg Leg Extension
ABS: 3×2 Side Plank on Medicine Balls, 3×12 Crunches at Synergy
CARDIO: 3x2x10 Kicks to Punching Bag, 10 min Cycling