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Everything you need to know about Intermittent Fasting
So many famous people seem to be losing lots of weight with Intermittent Fasting....
Make healthy choices at the Restaurant
Of course it is way easier to eat healthy at home. But you can also make healthy...
Best 7 Pre-Workout Snacks
If you eat the right snack before your workout, you will have so much more energy.
This is how you read Food Labels
This is a simple guide for you to distinguish healthy from unhealthy products.
The best and worst Foods
There is foods you can eat little but when you eat too much it is not good for you...
Low sugar vs high Sugar Fruits
Some fruits can be real calorie bombs. Here is the list of the low and high sugar...
How much does Squatgirl eat?
People think I work out for hours and only eat a couple of carrot sticks and salad...
“Healthy” debunked!
The information written on food packages can be very misleading but people also...
The best diet tricks
Diets are never sustainable this is why I suggest you make small changes that last....
Planning to lose Weight
Most people wouldn't mind to lose a little weight but it seems to be so damn difficult....
Why buy organic?
In Switzerland and the USA, everyone buys organic. It wasn't like this always. So...
Build muscle with Fast Food
Sometimes you are out in the streets and get really hungry but you don't want to...
Oatmeal is so exciting!
Thank God I don't have any allergies because I am a huge fan of oatmeal. It tastes...
Trend: Vegetarian Protein
There is lots of different theories about healthy nutrition out there. They have...
Full fat or diet yoghurt?
In this article I am explaining the pros and cons in the full fat/diet discussion...
8 best Protein sources to lose weight
Protein keeps you full for a long time. That's why you should always make sure you...