Did someone say Fig Smoothie?
Figs are sweet and great for your gut. This is an ideal smoothie for when you crave sweets.

Even though I love getting up early, I cannot eat a big meal right away. I need some time to wake up I guess. But being a personal trainer, I know how important it is not to skip breakfast of course. So a smoothie is the perfect way to kick off the day for me. It’s also a perfect snack that you may share with your best friend, hubby or the kids when they come from school. I’ll post all the recipes I have tried in my kitchen here for you. Let me know if you have one that you want to share with me!
The ingredients you need are:
1 dl water
1 little organic banana
6 prune plums
2 ripe figs
1/2 tea spoon Maca
1 pinch cinnamon
1 dash hemp seeds
Just place everything in the mixer except for the hemp seeds and blend for 1-2 minutes. Fresh figs contain carbohydrates like any other fruit but one of the most impressive nutrients in fresh figs is its fiber. Fiber keeps your digestive system working efficiently and helps to lower your overall cholesterol levels. I bought the hemp seeds in an organic store when I went to Switzerland. According to my research you cannot find this product here in Turkey yet, so buy it when you go abroad or ask a friend who lives in Europe to send you some. Hemp seeds are healthy and give your smoothie a crunchy twist.