The ultimate Staircase Workout
Do you enjoy being outside more than being stuck in a gym? Then this is a fun workout to do.

You want access to the best cardio and strength equipment? All you have to find is a staircase. Maybe the one in your cosy home, maybe the one in front of your apartment. Personally I prefer the ones outside because they are usually longer.
This workout takes just four minutes of your time, you will do each exercise for one minute. If you want to burn more fat, repeat it 2-3 times with a short break in between the sets. So let’s get started!
1) Zigzag
We warm up by running up the stairs in a zigzag pattern. Take a big step to the left and then an other big one two steps up to the right. Continue until you reached the end of the staircase and then run down by stepping on every single step. Repeat until one minute has passed.
2) Plank with Knee-Ups
Pull up those knees, right knee to the left elbow and left knee to the right elbow. There is no jumping involved here so you will be able to catch your breath again. But do it properly, work those muscles. It is such a great feeling!
3) Side Hops
Back to jumping! You want to burn calories, you better jump. This times sideways. Grab the bar of the stairways and jump up and down. If there is an other bar on the other side, change side after half the time. Make sure you always land on the floor softly and wear proper shoes.
4) Box Jumps
How many can you do in a minute? 10 or 15? Take your time and do them properly. You will definitely feel exhausted after this. Take a break and if you can, go for an other round or two. Cheers!